A Brazilian university, the USP (University of Sao Paulo), reported that research will be done on the metaverse by the research groups that have an interest in human behavior and psychology, 3D modeling, as well as the efficiency of the devices related to augmented or virtual reality. The respective research categories will be assessed within the metaverse context to comprehend how the unique world influences consumer interactions.
Marcos A. Simplicio Jr., a professor at the USP, brought to the front that for the first time the USP had acquired an NFT (non-fungible token) through collaboration. The respective token is an exceptional land piece in the USM (United States of Mars), which is being constructed in partnership with the rest of the universities. Simplicio stated that the USP counts to be the earliest university throughout Latin America to carry out a collaboration with USM for assistance in its metaverse development.
The very agreement will firstly have a partnership with researchers related to the existing – Ripple-sponsored – contract named the University Blockchain Research Initiative (UBRI). It was formerly reported that the metaverse-related opportunities were talked about at the yearly conference of the World Economic Forum, which came to a close on Thursday.
In the respective session of the WEF the CEO of the CCI (Crypto Council for Innovation) – Sheila Warren – was also present and she talked at length about a series of subjects in which DAOs (decentralized autonomous organizations), crypto scenarios, as well as the security factors were included. Particularly, the panel dubbed “The Possibilities of the Metaverse” contemplated the possibilities dealing with the utilization of the metaverse technologies for the incorporation of enhancement into the learning of the children.
The respective panel took into account High Fidelity’s co-founder (Philip Rosedale), Mindfire Foundation’s founder (Pascal Kaufmann), Magic Leap’s CEO (Peggy Johnson), an assistant research professor from New York University, Abu Dhabi (Hoda Alkhzaimi), and, Lego Group’s vice president (Edward Lewin).
Lewin, while speaking during the discussion of the panel, mentioned that one in every three people utilizing the internet is a child or a young adult. Hence, he added, it is highly recommended that the center of focus in the respective project to develop the metaverse should move through children’s perspectives because they would be the consumers in the future.
The USM (United States of Marse) – which was previously going with the title Radio Caca – as well as the University of Sao Paulo have declared a contract targeting the promotion of research on the metaverse’s legal, economic, as well as technical aspects.