An official publication by the Brooklyn-based blockchain firm Ava Labs revealed that the blockchain firm has successfully launched AvaCloud, a web3 launchpad. The post mentioned that the AvaCloud technology aims at supporting firms to create “no-code,” which will be controlled by blockchain technologies.
The developers of the AvaCloud infrastructure integrated four main elements to boost the functionality of the launchpad. According to the post, the Ava Labs team integrated an automated blockchain builder, chain interoperability, improved validators, and a unique data tool.
Features of the AvaCloud Platform
In light of the Ava Labs post, each of the main features is designed to support the performance of the launchpad. It was observed that the automated blockchain enables companies to access the blockchain-powered no-code.
The no-code integration aims to support the customer service team to provide technical support to the user 24/7. Also, the no-code had a unique feature that streamlined the processes conducted on the custom network.
The developers reported that the AvaCloud blockchain utilizes smart contracts that can easily be customized and generated on the blockchain ecosystem.
Correspondingly the developers integrated the managed validators to shift the installation system from manual to automatic. The comprehensive data tools on the AvaCloud platform are utilized to provide blockchain updates from the Avalanche network and the Ethereum network.
The AvaCloud was launched after the blockchain firm launched Avalanche Warp Messaging, which aimed at supporting communication across the entire Avalanche subnets.
The AvaCloud and Avalanche, Warp Messaging release aims to enable users to build their testnets at zero fees. Ava Labs’ latest development also focused on supporting the user to launch on the mainnet and launch onto the mainnet.
In the latter, the Ava Labs team is seeking to develop innovative tools that the user can later integrate new features and functionalities.
Benefits of AvaCloud
A report from Ava Labs senior vice president of product development Nicholas Mussallem confirms that the launching of the AvaCloud platform aimed at enabling the company to widen its market presence in Web3 at a minimum risk. He admitted that the AvaCloud platform has the massive capability to execute blockchain-related tasks. This implies that companies utilizing the AvaCloud platform do not need to recruit professionals majoring in the blockchain sector.
Initially, the firms utilizing custom blockchain technology were required to invest their financial and human resources to support the operation of the blockchain network. A study investigating the cost and time required to improve the performance of custom blockchain illustrated that deployment of end-to-end blockchain networks required at least 1 year and costed $1.5 million per annum.
Beyond this, Mussallem explained the setbacks of implementing blockchain in business and government-owned companies. In most cases, Mussallem observed that companies failed to comply with existing regulations fully.
He added that some government agencies and business entities lamented that blockchain technology implementation exposed them to high operation costs. Some Ava Labs supporters noted that blockchain technology was slow compared to other emerging technologies.
How will Blockchain Technology Improve Compliance?
Mussallem mentioned that the growth of blockchain technology had enabled developers to distinguish between the size of blockchain network. He demonstrated that one side of the blockchain network cannot be compatible with the other.
Nonetheless, AvaCloud has adopted blockchain technology supporting Know Your Customer (KYC) requirements. Therefore companies operating under tougher crypto regulations will benefit more by utilizing AvaCloud blockchain.
According to the publication, the AvaCloud blockchain supports the TradeFi adoption and upholds compliance with Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996. Also, the Ava lab’s latest technology focuses on supporting government projects.
The AvaCloud technology will create revenue opportunities for businesses government and tech developers. The technology used in developing Ava’s new tool utilizes cloud infrastructure created on blockchain technology. The Ava Labs report reveals that these development will lead to mass adoption of blockchain technology.
After the launch of the AvaCloud platform, the team behind AAA games Sharpnel and a Korean-based company SK were among the early adopters of the new tools.
Over the years, the Ava Labs team has worked closely with fast-growing companies such as Deloitte, Wisdom Tree, and T. Rowe Price to provide users with Web2 and Web3 products.
The need to satisfy the customers’ needs compelled tech company Alibaba to create a unique launchpad designed for business purposes. The Alibaba launchpad aimed to introduce the metaverse technology to the Avalanche platform.