There are currently several cryptocurrencies on the Avalanche Network that are demonstrating a positive trend in terms of growth and performance. However, there are cryptocurrencies on the same network that are not so promising, or at least, they demonstrated satisfactory performance in the past 7-days.
In the list of such cryptocurrencies, the first cryptocurrency on the Avalanche Network is Avalanche HoneyBee (A.BEE). According to analytics from the on-chain data analyzing firm “CoinMarketCap”, A.BEE has observed a 71.92% downtrend in its growth in the past 7-days. This downtrend has dragged the price of A.BEE down to $32.76 per A.BEE.
The second cryptocurrency on the Avalanche Network experiencing a downtrend in the past 7-days is Vee Finance (VEE). According to analytics from the on-chain data analyzing firm “CoinMarketCap”, VEE has observed a 68.28% downtrend in its growth in the past 7-days. This downtrend has dragged the price of VEE down to $0.02428 per VEE.
The third cryptocurrency on the Avalanche Network experiencing a downtrend in the past 7-days is SmarterCoin (SMRTR). According to analytics from the on-chain data analyzing firm “CoinMarketCap”, SMRTR has observed a 34.78% downtrend in its growth in the past 7-days. This downtrend has dragged the price of SMRTR down to $0.002391 per SMRTR.
The fourth cryptocurrency on the Avalanche Network experiencing a downtrend in the past 7-days is Ape-X (APE-X). According to analytics from the on-chain data analyzing firm “CoinMarketCap”, APE-X has observed a 31.73% downtrend in its growth in the past 7-days. This downtrend has dragged the price of APE-X down to $0.000001742 per APE-X.
The fifth cryptocurrency on the Avalanche Network experiencing a downtrend in the past 7-days is Eleven Finance (ELE). According to analytics from the on-chain data analyzing firm “CoinMarketCap”, ELE has observed a 30.80% downtrend in its growth in the past 7-days. This downtrend has dragged the price of ELE down to $0.5738 per ELE.
The sixth cryptocurrency on the Avalanche Network experiencing a downtrend in the past 7-days is Teddy Cash (TEDDY). According to analytics from the on-chain data analyzing firm “CoinMarketCap”, TEDDY has observed a 30.49% downtrend in its growth in the past 7-days. This downtrend has dragged the price of TEDDY down to $0.3093 per TEDDY.
The seventh cryptocurrency on the Avalanche Network experiencing a downtrend in the past 7-days is Ampleforth (AMPL). According to analytics from the on-chain data analyzing firm “CoinMarketCap”, AMPL has observed a 30.79% downtrend in its growth in the past 7-days. This downtrend has dragged the price of AMPL down to $0.8394 per AMPL.
The eighth cryptocurrency on the Avalanche Network experiencing a downtrend in the past 7-days is Starter (START). According to analytics from the on-chain data analyzing firm “CoinMarketCap”, START has observed a 24.83% downtrend in its growth in the past 7-days. This downtrend has dragged the price of START down to $9.45 per START.