In the United Kingdom, 3 men were sent to jail for dealing drugs in exchange for bitcoin.
According to Thames Valley Police, thirty nine year old Colin McCabe, along with thirty six year old Toby Woods and Robert Price, earned more than USD 1.2 million by dealing drugs on the dark web.
The system of drug dealers was detected by the Federal Bureau of Investigation that later came into contact with the police of the United Kingdom. The individuals were captured after the police identified them by DNA.
After Colin McCabe was arrested, the police found further evidence for his involvement with drug dealing including packages as well as client addresses. Canabis resin worth almost USD 16,000. Later, during the search of Price’s home Ecstasy worth USD 12,000.
The Judge that dealed with the case, Francis Sheridan, stated that he had never seen such an elaborate drug dealing business. The payments were made in Bitcoin to make the unlawful activities less traceable.
After the three criminals were founds and the charges were filed, Colin McCabe received a prison sentence of 12 years for selling cannabis, ketamine and cocaine. Robert Price was convicted to 9 years of prison to supplying drugs. Last but not least, Toby Woods will face a sentence on fourteen months for being involved with drugs.