Ethereum’s New Record: Breaking $1,000 For The First Time
On Thursday Ethereum created a new record crossing the mark of $1,000. Currently it is trading nearby the $1,000 level, the price of $989 in particular.
The market cap or total valuation of the cryptocurrency now stands at over USD 102 billion and is currently the third biggest digital currency in the world.
Ether was the second most valued cryptocurrency in the world for the most part of the last year and it continues to strengthen positions. Recently it was replaced by Ripple , which had 50,000 % up in a year.
One week ago, Ether was trading at USD 752. Since then it has seen a surge of about 40 percent in its valuation. For the major part of December, the value of one Ether was swinging between USD 700 and USD 800.
The dominance of the digital currency has depleted with the rise and introduction of other cryptocurrencies, despite the fact of the latest surge. From commanding over 31 percent of the total market cap of all the cryptocurrency in June 2017, the share is now just 13 percent. In the case of bitcoin there was seen a more strong drop in dominance.
Also want to inform that the total market value of all digital currencies amounts about $761 billion at this moment.