GreenMoon is a cutting-edge financial protocol that is based on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). This will allow for a more secure and efficient trading environment, making it easier for everyone to participate in the market.
GreenMoon takes the interests of the community as the core, fair launch, no private or confidential placement or equity, public announcements, and no pre-mining, which makes everybody in the GreenMoon community have a fair income opportunity and abide by the same rules.
With GreenMoon, you can enjoy the benefits of both the crypto world’s traditional markets (DeFi and NFTs) as well as the newest and most innovative areas of space.
What is GreenMoon cryptocurrency?
Cryptocurrency is becoming more and more popular, and green crypto is one of the most innovative and exciting options available. GreenMoon is a special token that is created for everyone. With GreenMoon, everyone can have their own token to represent their participation in the network. It’s a way to support the digital economy and help make the world a better place.
With GreenMoon, you’re getting a platform that is backed by the BEP-20 token standard, which is similar to the ERC-20 standard used on Ethereum. GreenMoon agrees that a price increase is necessary for the event of fluctuations on the chart. The reason GreenMoon’s token deflation mechanism works is because the code design originally included an hourly-based mechanism of deflation.
This allows holders of GreenMoon tokens to receive a steady income while possessing them. Your investments are secured by the rising liquidity of the GreenMoon token market, which will help to stabilize the value of the GreenMoon cryptocurrency. GreenMoon is a new kind of payment network that uses blockchain technology to rebuild the traditional payment system.
This allows users to carry out transactions without having to worry about security or fees ensuring secure and reliable transactions that are convenient and user-friendly. GreenMoon makes use of a fiat-fixed basket of stablecoins algorithmically settled by its GRM currency to work with payments that are programmable and foster an open monetary framework.
This opens up opportunities for innovative payments and the development of financial infrastructure, all while staying compliant with government regulations. GreenMoon is a rebase token. A rebase token is a cryptocurrency that is dynamically adjusted to keep its price stable. Elastic or rebase tokens are a new and innovative form of cryptocurrency that is designed to help control their value.
Rebase tokens are just like stablecoins, which are usually generally fixed to another form of a digital asset. This makes them a great option for investors who want to protect their investment and avoid volatility. Rebasing preserves the peg by automatically burning tokens that are in circulation or minting newer tokens.
Why choose GreenMoon cryptocurrency?
There are many reasons why you should consider investing in GreenMoon cryptocurrency. GreenMoon takes on an adaptable cash supply technique, utilizing negative rebases to lessen the all-out supply of cash, in order to build the market worth of every currency over the long haul. This implies that your GreenMoon currency can dwindle in your wallet, but the market value of each coin will continue to rise.
As is always the case with energy-consuming technologies, the worldwide center has now moved to environmentally friendly power energy. Technology always evolves, and now the world is focusing on green energy as a way to cut down on our energy consumption. As we all know, energy efficiency is key when it comes to reducing our reliance on fossil fuels.
This is especially true as the world increasingly looks to green energy sources. The totally required maintainability and the ultra-quick and brilliant Binance Smart Chain basal innovation of the platform will guarantee the sustainability of the GreenMoon DeFi over the long run.
GreenMoon’s technical implementation
The unique protocol of GreenMoon is deployed on the Binance smart chain, making it one of the most secure and reliable DeFi platforms available. This is on the grounds that BSC has apparently the quickest blockchain exchange times and least expense structures. This makes it the perfect platform for dealing with sensitive financial data.
Since the launch of the Binance Smart Chain in September 2020, it has been proven that it is an excellent blockchain for decentralized finance and the development of DApps. The Binance Smart Chain protocol allows for the seamless and efficient transfer of assets between different blockchains on the Binance platform.
Dissimilar to Binance Chain, the Binance Smart Chain is designed specifically for the functionality of smart contracts and is viable with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). This makes it a powerful tool for decentralized applications (dApps). Binance has established standards for the implementation and issuance of tokens on its blockchain. This ensures a high level of quality and security for all tokens.
This set of rules ensures that tokens will be able to participate in the Binance Chain ecosystem and be useful. GreenMoon is compatible with the BEP-20 token standard, which is similar to the Ethereum standard. This makes it easy for investors to use GreenMoontokens and the platform.
Components of GreenMoon protocol
- Reflection
It is advised that the community hold onto its tokens. To incentivize continued participation in GreenMoon, it has implemented the protocol of static reward or reflection. This allows tokens to increase in value without any owners exchanging them, based on the amount of transaction fee collected.
Whether tokens are purchased or sold on the network, GreenMoon charges 10% on all transactions. Token holders receive a 6% transaction fee in their wallets. Each member’s rewards are based on how much trading activity they have participated in and how many tokens they contain in their wallets.
As each transaction creates interest, token holders can earn passive income as their GreenMoon balance will grow over time.
- LP acquisition
As a result of transactions, there is a 10% tax levied on them. This fee helps to keep the network liquid so that everyone can participate. With each transaction, GreenMoon charges a fee. 6% of that fee goes to its token holders, so you can always be sure to benefit.
Holding GreenMoon benefits you in the long term, as the longer you hold it, the more GreenMoon you’ll earn. The remaining fee is conveyed to a burn address, which assists to keep us with inflation and the supply of tokens.
This system of rewards is designed to incentivize holders of GreenMoon to keep their tokens since the rewards are based on how much the tokens have been traded and how much each member of the community is holding. LP helps to stabilize GreenMoon prices, providing a floor below which coins cannot fall and preventing wild price swings thereby providing a safety net for coin holders.
- Burning of tokens
Token burning is the process of destroying some tokens permanently. The purpose of token burning is to reduce the total number of tokens in circulation. It is necessary to transfer tokens into a burned address before burning them. The Burn address is a unique address that can only be used to burn tokens- no one can ever recover the tokens sent to it.
For all intents and purposes, the token ceases to exist. Cryptocurrencies such as Binance often burn coins by destroying them. Other cryptocurrencies such as Stellar, and Ripple do the same. Many reasons can lead to coins being burned, such as hoping to increase their value or to keep them stable. This is done on the grounds of preventing sudden price hikes or dips.
Token burning also serves as a way of distributing tokens to holders, which in turn increases the value of each token. The key to GreenMoon’s success is encouraging token holders to keep their holdings. As burning tokens reward holders, more people are encouraged to join the community, driving up the value of tokens held.
This is another way to increase interest in GreenMoon’s platform and increase the number of users by inspiring community members to burn tokens periodically. Reducing the number of tokens in circulation helps to ensure that new investors have a high degree of security with their money.
By burning tokens, the network will suffer from reduced transactions and higher fees.
How to buy GreenMoon (GRM) cryptocurrency?
Let us check how you can purchase GreenMoon without high commissions. If you want to buy GreenMoon, you’ll have to go through the DeFi exchange Pancake swap. It’s the only way to get it right now. To buy GreenMoon on Binance, use the Metamask or other wallets compatible with it. It is the best option, but you can choose another wallet if you do not utilize Metamask.
On the off chance that you as of now have Binance Coins in your Metamask wallet to pay for commissions, under a dollar. You basically must go to Pancake swap, and duplicate the GreenMoon contract address to find it as the token. You can track down this on Coingecko via looking for GreenMoon or you can duplicate the contract of the Binance network.
The contract will allow you to find the token and exchange it in Pancakeswap for the cryptocurrency of your choice. You can likewise add the token in Metamask and have the option to see the amount you have initially bought.
With GreenMoon cryptocurrency listed on gate.io exchange, it’s easier than ever to get your hands on some valuable coins without having to mess around with Pancake swap. Through gate.io you can easily buy GreenMoon without having to use Pancake swap.
Let’s explore how you can purchase GreenMoon cryptocurrency in more detail. To get started trading on Binance, you first need to login. You can create an account quickly and easily if you don’t already have one. To use your account, you must deposit funds to activate it. Once activated, you can make purchases of BNB.
With credit card deposit service, you can have your funds immediately deposited into your account. Making your first deposit with Binance will let you take advantage of great deals on your desired currency pairs. You can find the currency of your choice and compare it against other currencies on our marketplaces.
Binance uses BNB as its commission currency, just like Ethereum does with ETH. This means you can be sure that your commissions will be paid in a timely manner, just as is the case with other leading cryptocurrency exchanges. After y having BNB in your account, it’s important to follow the steps to withdraw your cryptocurrency.
With your Metamask, go to the address and click on it. When you click on an address, it will be copied to the clipboard. The address must first be entered in Binance before you can withdraw BNB. Once you’ve entered the address, you can withdraw BNB to your Metamask account.
Then you can access the BEP20 network and withdraw the amount of money you want. If you have your metamask wallet open, check the balance of Binance tokens that you’ve transferred over from your account. In the event that you have not configured the Binance network yet, we recommend looking up how to set up the Binance Smart Chain network in Metamask wallet.
Without configuring Binance network into Metamask, you will not be able to purchase GreenMoon cryptocurrency. After this is completed, we must head over to Pancake swap. Now if you will search for GreenMoon, you will not be able to find it. The address of the contract must be copied and pasted in order to find GreenMoon.
You can find it easily on coingecko, or you can simply copy and paste it from here: 0xaa357b0f167923efc1d6978a868f81866ca6e98c. The GreenMoon token will then appear and be able to be exchanged. Before swapping, make sure the slider is set to 13%, as this is the tolerance you’ll need to account for.
This is on the grounds as GreenMoon charges a 12% commission, so that it goes towards helping people who hold the coin, as well as helping to keep the network running smoothly. If you purchase GreenMoon, you’ll see the increase in your balance right in your metamask. With the 13% swap point marked, simply click on swap, and confirm the transaction in your metamask.
Now you can see the current value of your cryptocurrencies that you are holding in your wallet by adding the token with the contract found on coingecko or simply over GreenMoon. The GreenMoon cryptocurrency will now be available for you to purchase and accumulate without any effort on your part.
GreenMoon NFT open market
NFTs are becoming increasingly popular in the world of cryptocurrency, and their widespread use is sure to continue because of the success of Bitcoin-based colored coins, and developers and artists have created a myriad of innovative NFTs applications.
At GreenMoon, it is believed that tokens that aren’t just functional, but also fun and engaging, should be available to everyone.Therefore, GreenMoon wants to provide fun and interesting experiences for people who invest in Non-fungible tokens.
The motivating force behind GreenMoon’s open market platform is the fact that human nature lends itself to competition and winning rewards. This essential principle is what sustains GreenMoon’s thriving marketplace. GreenMoon has introduced a marketplace where you can buy and sell crypto collectibles and digital items.
With its peer-to-peer platform, you can be sure of a smooth and hassle-free transaction. Collectible assets can be sold and used in a gamified experience, becoming more rare over time. These assets can be used in a fun and engaging experience for collectors, or they can become more valuable with time as creators add more value to them.
Gamifying experiences like this bring together creators of assets and collectors from all over the world. It’s a great way to enjoy your collections and make new ones, too.
Features of GreenMoon NFT market
- Tradibility
All NFTs that have been minted on GreenMoon are compatible with many wallets and marketplaces, making them a valuable addition to your portfolio. In addition to buying and selling assets in multiple currencies, it also allows collectors to invest in various virtual environments and markets.
- Bundles
This lets users create a single collection of assets. With GreenMoon, users can group assets and create tokens containing 40 assets, allowing them to save on gas.
- Rating
In GreenMoon’s marketplace, assets are ranked based on their volume, creator, price, and other characteristics. You can always check out the latest releases and classics, too.
- Bidding
This allows users to find the best way to sell their assets, whatever the price. With GreenMoon NFT marketplace, you can list assets in different ways, including fixed prices, English auctions, Dutch auctions, and more.
- Tokemomics
With GreenMoon, there’s plenty of space to grow. The supply is 384 quadrillion miles, or enough to last forever!
The GreenMoon decentralized platform is built with community input in mind, and features an automatic pooling protocol and an open NFT market to help ensure fair launches for all projects.
The GreenMoon token is a unique, eco-friendly investment opportunity that is perfect for those who are interested in sustainable investing. The GreenMoon token is a valuable resource that will help to promote environmentally friendly practices and initiatives.