When it comes to the list of non-fungible tokens demonstrating the lowest 24-hour trading volume, the NFT on top is ERC20 (ERC20). In the past 24-hours, ERC20 has recorded $42,025 worth of trading volume. The total number of ERC20s currently circulating through the system is 1,128,632,512. At the time of writing, the market valuation being recorded by ERC20 is $39.98 million.
The second non-fungible token delivering the second-lowest 24-hour trading volume is Unisocks (SOCKS). In the past 24-hours, SOCKS has recorded $45,950 worth of trading volume. The total number of SOCKS currently circulating through the system is 302. At the time of writing, the market valuation being recorded by SOCKS is $34.04 million.
The third non-fungible token delivering the third-lowest 24-hour trading volume is BLOCKv (VEE). In the past 24-hours, VEE has recorded $116,604 worth of trading volume. The total number of VEE currently circulating through the system is 3,410,782,890. At the time of writing, the market valuation being recorded by VEE is $86.34 million.
The fourth non-fungible token delivering the fourth-lowest 24-hour trading volume is VideoCoin (VID). In the past 24-hours, VID has recorded $132,222 worth of trading volume. The total number of VID currently circulating through the system is 3,410,782,890. At the time of writing, the market valuation being recorded by VID is $62.06 million.
The fifth non-fungible token delivering the fifth-lowest 24-hour trading volume is VIMworld (VEED). In the past 24-hours, VEED has recorded $227,020 worth of trading volume. The total number of VEED currently circulating through the system is 5,566,374,466. At the time of writing, the market valuation being recorded by VEED is $35.72 million.
The sixth non-fungible token delivering the sixth-lowest 24-hour trading volume is inSureDeFi (SURE). In the past 24-hours, SURE has recorded $288,249 worth of trading volume. The total number of SURE currently circulating through the system is 26,790,063,175. At the time of writing, the market valuation being recorded by SURE is $107.35 million.
The seventh non-fungible token delivering the seventh-lowest 24-hour trading volume is GET Protocol (GET). In the past 24-hours, GET has recorded $289,202 worth of trading volume. The total number of GET currently circulating through the system is 11,388,258. At the time of writing, the market valuation being recorded by GET is $34.59 million.
The eighth non-fungible token delivering the eighth-lowest 24-hour trading volume is NFTX (NFTX). In the past 24-hours, NFTX has recorded $326,842 worth of trading volume. The total number of NFTX currently circulating through the system is 404,286. At the time of writing, the market valuation being recorded by NFTX is $54.81 million.
This performance is just for the past 24-hours and things may change in the upcoming days.