The Price Of Gram Can Grow 4 Times, The Market Will Not Evaluate The Token Rationally
The Gram cryptocurrency, which will be used in the Telegram Open Network (TON) blockchain platform, may rise in price several times after the launch of the main products, analysts of Hash CIB believe. This should be facilitated by expansion into markets not originally associated with the blockchain, including VPN and DNS services. Meanwhile, TON is waiting for competition with technological giants and “blockchain unicorns”, investors warn.
The blockchain platform TON, the development of which during the ICO Pavel Durov collected a record $ 1.7 billion, can meet with competition in several industries. It is noted that Hash CIB is affiliated with Qiwi Blockchain Technologies, a subsidiary of Qiwi group, whose founder Sergey Solonin is an investor of TON.
TON plans to issue 5 billion tokens, slightly more than half of which have already been sold to investors. At the first stage of the ICO, the cost of each was $0.38, at the second — $1.33. According to the calculations of Hash CIB, the price of Gram can be $5.9, which is more than 4 times higher. However, this is a rational estimate and the real value will be different as the Gram estimate is based on factors and risks that may not occur in the future, the report States.
TON includes many services, including cloud storage, DNS. In each of these areas, the platform can occupy up to 10% of the global market by 2026. The evaluation of the coin will be influenced by the success of the expansion.
At the same time, Telegram will have to compete not with messengers, but with other projects on the blockchain, confident in Hash CIB. The advantage of Pavel Durov’s project is in the vast database of messenger users (more than 200 million), but blockchain projects can solve the issues of scalability and compatibility faster thanks to the open source code.
In October, due to a leak in the media, it became known that the TON team plans to launch the project during the autumn of this year. It was also reported that TON will operate a service for the automation of advertising in Telegram channels.