The SEC Continues Watching After Cryptocurrency Tech For Regulation
Today one of the most discussing and hottest questions in the cryptocurrency society rotates around “ICO,” or initial coin offering. An ICO is a type of fantastic money collecting round. Instead of basing on regulations and lawyers to direct investment, creators of a forthcoming program beg financial means to construct a planned systematic technology platform in exchange for tokens that depositors can later sell or use on the platform itself when it is terminated. Creators earn access to necessary financing in order to make their image a reality. Depositors are rewarded for their early understanding with incomes and first access to the platform. Everybody gains, and innovation proceeds quickly.
At any rate, this is the perfectness. In practice, a lot of ICOs finish being suddenly complex works-in-progress at best and direct frauds at the worst. A small bunch of ICOs appear to have lived up to their promises. Perhaps others will follow.
On this occasion securities regulators through the world have begun to turn sharply to the ICO area, with essential meanings for the future of this kind of project structure. In the US, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has been tightly observing the ICO space in some period of time, and it has lately alerted that it may assume more strict interventions in coming months.