It has been 5,012 days since the Bitcoin network first began operating and up until now, a total of 755,000 blocks have already been mined.
Last year, the top two miners last year were Antpool and Foundry USA and the two mining pools have collectively been able to mine a total of 18,229 blocks this year out of 53,510.
The leader this year is Foundry USA, but statistics indicate that it is actually the 15th largest mining pool and has only mined about 1.55% of the total blocks that have been mined into existence so far.
The stats
There were 11 different known mining pools that dedicated their hashrate to Bitcoin (BTC) Network in the last three days.
In the last 12 months, there have been a total of 27 different known mining pools dedicated to BTC and the statistics indicate that about 98 pools have mined the pioneer crypto in the last 13 years.
In terms of hashrate, the leader this year has been Foundry USA and it discovered 10,044 blocks out of the total 53,510 so far.
As for Antpool, it was able to mine 8,185 blocks and the other pools that also mined their fair share of blocks included Poolin, Binance Pool, Btc.com, Viabtc, and F2pool, not in that order.
Stealth miners
Also known as stealth miners, the unknown hashrate was able to capture about 1.78% of the blocks mined in the last year.
In 12 months, unknown hashrate was only able to mine 954 blocks, as it is the known mining pools that are doing a lot of work.
However, this has not always been the case and the ultimate winners of the most BTC blocks mined in history remain, stealth miners, which also includes Satoshi Nakamoto.
According to the data, the last 13 years have seen 755,432 blocks mined and 29.90% of the global hashrate has been captured by these stealth miners.
Even though unknown miners have become less prominent nowadays, they have still managed to uncover 225,864 blocks of bitcoin since the network began.
Mining pools
The past year saw F2pool become the third largest pool, but it is actually the second largest one of all time.
For over a decade, it has commanded about 9.73% of the global hashrate and the total number of blocks it has mined is 73,477.
The third largest pool position belongs to Antpool, as it has discovered about 65,999 blocks up till now. 39,022 blocks were mined by Btc.com while, Braiins Pool, previously called Slush Pool, mined 38,376 blocks.
The sixth largest mining pool called BTC Guild is now defunct. Foundry USA holds the spot of the top miner today, but it is 15 in the overall list.
There are 12 different pools that have managed to capture less than 50 blocks and there are also four that have mined less than 30 blocks.
The least amount of blocks mined by a pool is 22 and 175btc has that particular honor.