The Litecoin Foundation has partnered with the X9 Developers team to support, fix, and strengthen Litecoin Dark (LTCD) and other applications of Lightning Network technologies.
X9 Developers is an independent blockchain development team, whose founders are key developers and are fully secured by Stakenet (XSN). Since the vision of Stakenet also lies in the field of building an interoperable cross-chain on the Lightning Network, Litecoin Foundation and the development team were able to find common ground and conclude a partnership agreement.
The X9 Developers team has already implemented a beta version of the atomic swap on the Lightning Network for testing between XSN and LTC. The team is currently improving the user experience and developing a one-click solution for LN atomic swaps.
In September, Lightning Labs announced the release of a new version of the Lightning app with a lightweight Neutrino client, and the X9 Developers team was already working on adapting the LTCD to support the Neutrino client. This is an essential step to simplify application development, as you need a full node to run your wallet and application anymore.